Welcome from Headteacher Mr Damian Haigh
Welcome to the University of Liverpool Mathematics School. We are one of the friendliest, smallest and highest performing schools in the country - an unusual school in many different ways, and one which is a joy to work and to study in. We are particularly keen to meet the needs of students who have faced disadvantage, and in 2024 our disadvantaged students made some of the best progress in the country, achieving a grade better than average in every subject.
ULMaS is an inclusive and caring community that offers students the challenge and excitement of mathematical and scientific problems and research.
Every day in school seems to involve something new and fun, whether it's students and staff working together to solve a mathematical problem we have never seen before, an inspiring visiting speaker giving us new ideas to think about, a visit to a university or research centre, or a group of students taking the initiative to create something new and exciting in school like a concert, a lunchtime club or a new charity fundraising activity.
Our students achieve exceptional academic and personal progress through a coherent and carefully designed curriculum, a highly supportive peer group and an exciting learning environment. Our exceptionally high A-Level results are not the result of a high pressure environment but instead from cultivating students' intellectual curiosity, their enthusiasm for learning and the effectiveness of their study habits. We are able to provide them with a very supportive and caring team of pastoral and teaching professionals, and the students' response to this is wonderful to watch.

University of Liverpool Mathematics School
Run by some of the UK's most prestigious universities, maths schools are specialist schools for 16- to 19-year-old students with a strong interest in the mathematical sciences. The schools help to prepare students for success in high-prestige STEM degree courses at top universities, and then to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics.
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Our Maths School in Numbers
%Percentage of students achieving AAB or higher in "facilitating subjects"
Students: we are a small, specialist school
%Percentage of A-Level entries achieving A or A*