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The University of Liverpool Maths School

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Laura joined us in September 2022 and completed her studies here in July 2024.  She was studying at Dixons Broadgreen Academy and her maths teacher encouraged her to apply for a place at the Maths School.  She contributed a huge amount to the life of the school in the 2 years she was here, and we enjoyed watching her grow in confidence and ambition as time went on.

How did you find out about ULMaS?

We spotted an advertisement on the back of a bus then began to look into it.

Why did you choose ULMaS for your A-Levels?

I first considered it as it offered the A-levels I wanted to take. After attending an open day, I already felt comfortable with the atmosphere and knew it was where I wanted to be.What were the main differences between studying GCSEs at school and A-Levels at ULMaS?

Which A-Levels did you take?

Maths, Further Maths and Computer Science.

What else did you get involved in while you were here?

I often came back during weekends and holidays to help with outreach activities, such as STEM Saturdays, competitions, and summer classes.

Did you enjoy your time at ULMaS?

My time at ULMaS was the best two years I've had. I came on far academically but much further in terms of my confidence in every aspect of life. It's been a transformational experience and I'm very grateful to have had the opportunity to be a part of this. 

What kind of student does this school suit?

If you're willing to put in as much effort as you can, then you'll fit in with the academic side. Socially, anyone will find friends as you're all a lot more similar than you first expect. 

What are you doing now?  How did your time at ULMaS prepare you for this?

I'm now studying Computer Science at the University of Liverpool. ULMaS helped prepare me for this as I'm used to the format of lectures and tutorials, also of taking responsibility for my own work. Projects are less daunting too, as we did multiple of them in ULMaS 

What are you hoping to do in future? 

I hope to work with computers in the future, possibly going in the direction of Artificial Intelligence 

What are your top tips for future students following in your footsteps?

Don't be afraid to be yourself. The school environment is one that allows you to truly be the person you want to be without the fear of judgment. Ask for help when you need it, whether you ask staff or fellow students, everyone wants to see you succeed. Mainly just make the most of your time there. The two years fly by so enjoy every second!