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The University of Liverpool Maths School

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Outreach Programme

A considerable amount of the work done by the ULMaS team is on our outreach programme.  Our teachers spend several days a work working in schools around the region supporting maths, science and computer science departments and running enrichment and extension classes for students.  We also work on some Saturdays and online in the evenings.

Why do we do this?

As a school we have a mission to ensure that every young person in our region has access to inspiration and support in the mathematical sciences, whether or not they attend our school.  We want to ensure that any student in the Liverpool City Region with the potential to complete a degree in a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) gets the support they need to access that opportunity.

We're grateful for the support of the Garnett Family, the Department for Education, U-Maths and other generous funders for helping us in that mission.

What is on offer?

This year our outreach offering includes online courses, face to face events at ULMaS and visits to schools across the region. 

We have also launched our new School Partnership Programme: The Garnett Family Academy .

If you want to be kept informed about new opportunities in our outreach programme, click here to join our mailing list

Please see our Events page for all upcoming events

To find out about our KS4 GCSE Online lessons please see our Go Further page

If you are a school interested in us visiting your school please have a look at our School Visits page