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The University of Liverpool Maths School

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Garnett Family

We are exceptionally fortunate to receive considerable financial support as well as a lot of encouragement and personal support from Steve and Linda Garnett.  We use these funds to find and support students who are growing up in financially challenging circumstances in the Liverpool City Region, primarily through two programes:

The Garnett Family Academy

Steve and Linda Garnett have provided funding and support for ULMaS to create a talent development academy to financially support and nurture deserving high school students from Liverpool who have a love of maths and computing and want to start their march to an exciting future and likely career in technology. In partnership with the University of Liverpool Maths School (ULMaS).  Membership of the academy is open to year 7-11 students attending schools in many underserved areas of Liverpool, and delivers the following:

  • Mentoring to help students make the best choices and remove barriers to success.
  • Enrichment and challenge in maths, physics and computing, helping students achieve the best possible GCSE results and prepare for advanced study at A-Level and beyond.
  • Special STEM Saturdays will deliver face to face meetings with our expert staff and fellow students from Liverpool, on the University of Liverpool campus, enabling them to taste the university excitement and experience.
  • Rewards for participation and success, including prizes and financial rewards for motivation.
  • Ensure that all students are able to participate fully, despite any financial hardship.
  • Online sessions to develop mathematical thinking.
  • Advanced projects and competitions to stimulate intellectual growth.
  • Pathway to Excellence: Prepare for entry into ULMaS (or other 6th form schools) A-Level studies and beyond.
  • Transition Pathways: Support in transitioning to ULMaS and then progress to high-value STEM degree courses and careers. 

Students will be supported to apply for A-Level study in the best schools and colleges in the region, and many will progress to study at ULMaS. When applying to ULMaS for A-Level studies, 20 students who demonstrate desire, dedication and performance and meet our eligibility criteria (below) will be selected for the prestigious Garnett Scholars Programme.

The Garnett Family Scholars Programme

The Garnett Scholars Programme for students who have been offered a place to study at ULMaS includes:

  • Additional support during GCSEs to secure the grades needed for A-Level study.
  • Additional financial support for inspiring educational visits and activities such as trips to CERN and Ironbridge to hear from mathematicians, computer scientists and physics professionals, and visits to Russell Group universities.
  • Internships opportunities, career advice and access to Garnett Network of potential careers post-university.
  • Financial support for the Duke of Edinburgh Scheme to assist with personal development.
  • Participation in the Inversity challenges, focusing on software development and AI skills.
  • Financial support for travel expenses, books, and a personal iPad. 
  • A monthly financial incentive in return for good attendance and homework completion.
  • ULMaS will remain members of the Garnett Scholars Network as they enter higher education, above and beyond the planned ULMaS alumni network, to offer advice and other support to these students to progress them to a successful career. 

Eligibility for the Garnett Scholars is normally limited to those who receive a bursary at ULMaS, e.g. where the student has been eligible for Free School Meals for 6 months or longer at any point during schooling, has a very low household income, is a young carer, or has been in Local Authority Care for 6 months. This enhances the offering to Bursary students, and will be at the discretion of the ULMaS Head Teacher.  Scholars must maintain a high standard of attendance and work, and strive to be:

  • well mannered,
  • determined,
  • caring,
  • kind but not weak,
  • strong but not rude,
  • humble but not timid,
  • proud but not arrogant,
  • honest,
  • trustworthy,
  • not entitled,
  • a team player, and
  • a nice person.

Our gratitude to the Garnett family

Steve and Linda have donated a very significant sum of money to the school over the last five years, and continue to support us generously every year.  This transforms the work we are able to do in the region and the support we are able to provide for our students.

Headteacher, Damian Haigh, said "The generosity of the Garnett Family has transformed the work of our school.  Thanks to them we are able to employ staff to work across Merseyside to support students in many different schools.  Through that outreach programme we're able to help disadvantaged students to progress to A-Levels in mathematical subjects either here at ULMaS or in other Sixth Forms or colleges across the region. 

The Garnett Scholars who choose to attend ULMaS will then be

  • equipped with the latest technology,
  • supported with travel and other costs,
  • enabled to participate fully in the educational visits and wider curriculum of the school,
  • given additional support with career development and progression to university, and
  • provided with intensive pastoral support that maximises their chances of success in life.

There's an added benefit for all ULMaS students in this programme: they benefit from being taught by a staff team that is motivated by social justice and excellence for all.  Our team enjoy their work more because they are enabled to work effectively and make the world a better place by the generous donations we have received from Steve and his family."