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The University of Liverpool Maths School

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Go Further - Free Online Lessons for students in the Liverpool City Region

Participation Requirements

There is no charge to take part in any of our online courses, but priority will be given to students in state funded schools in the Liverpool City Region.

For our online courses, you will need:
– a quiet place to work at home or school
– a computer or tablet that can join an online meeting (microphone and camera not necessary). If this is a problem please apply anyway and we’ll try to find a way to help
– to be able to join our Google Classroom (you may need to use a personal Google account for this as your school account may not be able to join our classroom)
– the commitment and time to complete work set outside lessons
– pencil and paper

Go Further Online Mondays – KS4 Maths Problem Solving


This KS4 Maths Problem Solving course is intended for Year 10 and Year 11 students. This course is taught by ULMaS Headteacher Damian Haigh and is intended to help you develop problem solving and proof skills in mathematics.  It’s a great way to boost your scores in UKMT or similar challenges, help you to master with the more difficult questions in GCSE and A-Level and also give you insight into whether you might enjoy Maths A-level, Further Maths A-Level, or even a maths degree.  It's also a great way of getting ready for the ULMaS Admissions Aptitude Test and university admissions tests later, so if you're planning to apply for a place here or considering applying for a competitive university degree course, then this might be what you need.

Go Further Online Tuesdays – KS4 Physics Masterclass


This KS4 Physics Masterclass course is intended for Year 10 and Year 11 students.  The course is taught by ULMaS Deputy Headteacher David Hemsley.  The course is designed to help you with the trickier bits of GCSE Physics and get you working towards A-Level Physics and thinking about physics at university.  If you're finding school physics too easy, or you would like a bit of help with the harder parts of GCSE Physics then this course might be just what you need.

KS5 Online Go Further Evening Physics Sessions – A-Level Support with Pathways to Engineering 2024-25 COMPLETED

Completed. This course is intended for Year 12 and Year 13 students who are already studying A-Level Physics and are on the Sutton Trust/ University of Liverpool Pathways to Engineering Course 2024-25. We will cover the following topics: Quantum Phenomena; Electricity; Mechanics and Kinematics; Waves and Further Mechanics.