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The University of Liverpool Maths School

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What are Maths Schools?

Run by some of the UK’s most prestigious universities, maths schools are specialist schools for 16- to 19-year-old students with a strong interest in the mathematical sciences. The schools help to prepare students for success in high-prestige STEM degree courses at top universities, and then to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics.

The distinctive curriculum, imaginative approach, like-minded peers and well-motivated teachers attracts a particular kind of student to maths schools. 

Our staff relish the challenge of their students’ quick thinking, and ensure that their thinking skills and conceptual understanding develop rapidly and with rigour and reliability as well.  Our students are talented and well-motivated. Teachers do not need to be disciplinarians and relationships in school are based on mutual trust and respect. 

Whilst our students are academically able they also thrive on opportunities to develop as confident young people ready for demanding and influential careers. Our specialist curriculum doesn't just give them technical skills and knowledge but also cultivates the personal organisation, collaboration, communication and influencing skills they are likely to need throughout their lives.

Students here are more likely to have neurodiverse traits and sometimes have individual needs that were obscured by their strong academic performance when they were younger.  Maths schools provide a safe and inclusive environment that enables students who may previously have been shy or lacking in confidence to learn to express themselves and develop self confidence and fluency in communication.

The University of Liverpool Maths School was the third Specialist 16-19 Maths School to open in the UK; there are now 8 open Maths Schools and 3 further schools are planned to open soon.  You can find out more about 16-19 Specialist Maths Schools at {u-maths}.