Milo was a student at Woodchurch High School, Wirral and learned about ULMaS through our Outreach Programme.
Why did you choose ULMaS for your A-Levels?
I felt comfortable and welcomed when I was first came to this school for a maths challenge event in Year 11. The friendly but focused learning environment attracted me and made me want to study at this school.
Which A-Levels did you take?
At the moment I'm studying all 4 courses: maths, further maths, physics and computer science. I might focus on just three A-Levels when I am in Year 13.
Are you a maths genius?
I certainly don't think I am a maths genius! But that’s the reason that we study here: we all enjoy maths and want to get better at it. If we were already geniuses there would be no point - it's fun to learn new things and it's OK to get things wrong here sometimes, then think a bit more and get a better understanding of the maths and become a bit smarter.
Did you enjoy your time at ULMaS? What kind of student does this school suit?
The school suits all sorts of different students. You can be yourself and make new friends and everyone finds a way to fit in and belong.
What are your top tips for future students following in your footsteps?
Get involved with the online outreach classes because they will get you thinking in the right way for the admissions test and the lessons when you get here. The teachers here like you to have a variety of different ways to think about things, not just one standard method - you can start to learn that in the classes that the school runs every week when you are still in Year 10 or Year 11.