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The University of Liverpool Maths School

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Why did you choose ULMaS for your A-Levels?

I chose ULMaS because I wanted to attend a school that would push me to the best of my ability, so that I could increase my mathematical ability, something that I saw as a wonderful opportunity that this school offers. 

Which school were you at before you came here?

I previously attended The Oaks Academy in Crewe. I found out ULMaS when doing some research nearing the time of applications.

Are you a maths genius?

I wouldn’t consider myself a maths genius but I do think my love and passion for maths definitely aids me here. During my time at ULMaS, I have come to find out that I enjoy solving problems with others and find that it cements my understanding of a topic when we do so. I think it is also a great opportunity to learn new approaches to a question, which allows us to appreciate the fact that everyone thinks in different ways and there is no one way to the final answer.  

Which A-Levels did you take?

I started on all 4 courses but then after a few months we agreed that I would benefit from focusing on Physics, Maths and Further Maths.  I'm already learning Further Maths in Year 12 so I know that I enjoy it, and Physics is good fun with the way we design experiments and try different problems.

What else did you get involved in while you were here?

I’m currently involved in Debate Club and Chess Club. I find that these two clubs help me build my public speaking and strategic skills, respectively.

Have you enjoyed your time at ULMaS? What kind of student does this school suit?

It's been great so far.  I was worried it would be really difficult and everyone else would be much quicker than me but it turns out I was wrong, and everyone here is really nice and friendly.  Because the school is small it's possible to know all the staff and students and there are lots of opportunities to try different things, go on visits, complete projects.  Any student who enjoys maths and is willing to work with other students and try new things would really enjoy studying here.

What are you doing next?  How did your time at ULMaS prepare you for this?

I’m hoping to apply for a degree in Physics, something that I feel confident in doing, as we are given lots of opportunities to sign up for different super curricular and extra curricular activities via our Google Classroom that has regular updates for progression beyond Year 13.  I think that this school is particularly helpful in the preparation for entrance exams, as we are made aware of this early on in Year 12. I think this is useful, so that we don’t feel overwhelmed and stressed when we have to take them in Year 13. 

What are your top tips for future students following in your footsteps?

Don't be scared of the aptitude test and the interview - they are really friendly and just trying to help you to find the right school or college for you.  Coming in for the interview was a little bit intimidating at first but now I'm much less worried about things like that so I would say just do it and don't get stressed about it.