
In addition to the examined A Level Curriculum the school will deliver:

  • The Aspiring Mathematician Programme
  • The Pastoral and Personal Enrichment Programme which includes opportunities for physical exercise, personal learning and development
  • A broad ranging programme of extracurricular clubs and societies, many supported by university staff and students

The Aspiring Mathematician Programme

The AMP is a bespoke programme  of activities designed to give students greater depth in their mathematical and scientific understanding, accelerated academic maturity and careers experiences which prepare them for work in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics research and industry. Read more here.

The Pastoral and Personal Enrichment Programme (PPEP)

The PPEP is a bespoke programme of tutorial meetings and group activities designed to meet the pastoral and personal enrichment needs of students in a maths school. The programme will be delivered through:


Extra-curricular clubs and societies

We plan to run the activities during lunchtimes based on students interests. We will encourage students to develop further recreational clubs and societies and will support such activities through resources and staffing where needed. These could include:

University of Liverpool students and staff will be invited to help run some of these activities, arranged in line with the school’s strict safeguarding arrangements.

We do have trips to museums planned for the summer term and a well established plan for Duke of Edinburgh Awards. The successful clubs we have offered in the past have included: