Information for Visitors
Arrival and parking
We do not have a car park for our school. Public transport is likely to be a preferred option for many visitors. We are a 15 minute walk from Lime Street and Central Station. There are good bus links to the city centre and many of these stop close to the school.
The parking options are as follows, listed in order of proximity:
- Mulberry Street. Parking spaces, payable at a meter by coins or by phone. There are sometimes spaces here (up to 2 hours for example is £4.80, there are options from 30 mins to a maximum of 4 hours). So you can’t stay here all day.
- Myrtle Parade outside the shops. Parking spaces, payable at a meter by coins or by phone. There are often spaces here. £1 per half hour, up to 2 hours. 2-4 hours is £6, 10 hours is £9. So you can stay here all day.
- Mount Pleasant Multi-Storey Car Park. There are other park on street/pay at meter options but you might prefer just to get parked and walk 15 minutes to the school to save the hassle. This is £5 per day, payable by coins or card.
Google Maps links are shown above.
Important Information for Visitors
- In case of emergency, please let reception know if you have any accessibility or support needs
- Lanyards must be worn at all times or you may be asked to leave the building
- Toilets are located at the ends of most corridors, please only use the accessible (disabled) toilets as these are single occupancy. Female visitors may also use the female staff only toilet. Please ask a member of staff if you need clarification
- Any illness, injury or accident which happens whilst you are on site must be reported to reception immediately
- Please behave in a way that shows respect for others and avoid language or actions that may cause offense
- You have a legal responsibility to care for your own and others’ Health and Safety
- If the fire alarm sounds, leave the building by the nearest exit and report to the assembly point on the grassed area to the south of the building (turn right out of the main entrance). Visitors are to be registered by office staff to the left of the student lines
- The University of Liverpool Maths School accepts no responsibility for the loss or damage of visitors’ property
- Please do not enter classrooms or student study rooms unless by prior arrangement. If you are escorted please stay with your school contact. If you are not here for contact with students please do not engage with them more than the usual good manners
- We expect you to follow procedures to safeguard and promote the welfare of our students, therefore please read the handout you are given on entry to the school
Please make sure you have signed in using the QR code or asking reception staff to help with this. You will be given a lanyard to wear throughout your visit. For visitors to be able to move freely around the school we will need to see identification. The badge you get depends on what you will be doing in school and this will be explained to you when you sign in.
Visitors with additional mobility needs
Our building is very old so is not compliant with modern building regulations. However, a lift serves all floors and all rooms other than one are accessible for users of wheelchairs. We can normally plan to avoid using this room with enough notice. We have induction hearing loops in several rooms and a portable system available on demand.
School Opening Hours
- Reception is open from 8am, entrance to visitors is normally from 8.30am
- Reception is closed from 5pm Monday-Thursday and 4.30pm on Friday
- Lunchtime is 1-2pm
- The school is not always open during the school holidays; term dates here
Child Protection and Safeguarding
- We recognise our responsibilities in relation to safeguarding and child protection. Our Child Protection and Safeguarding policy applies to all staff, trustees and visitors. The full policy can be found on our policies page.
- Concerns: Any safeguarding concerns (including the Prevent Duty- which covers radicalisation and terrorism) during your visit should be reported to a member of the safeguarding team or a member of staff who will pass this onto a member of the safeguarding team. You can ask at reception to speak to a member of our safeguarding team. You can also email
- Disclosures: If a student makes a disclosure to you, do not promise confidentiality. Please pass this disclosure onto the safeguarding team as soon as practically possible.
- We have a whistleblowing policy which can be viewed on our policies page. If you have any concerns about any staff members or other visitors, please refer to the safeguarding team (see posters across school for our photographs).
Visitor Wi-Fi Access
We do have a guest Wi-Fi password upon request for work purposes. Please be aware all internet access on site is monitored and filtered. You should follow our instructions from school staff for using our computers/ laptops/ equipment where relevant.
We do not have any catering facilities on site, if you need a hot drink or water do let reception know. If you are staying all day you can sign out and visit the local shops, reception staff can advise regarding the options.
Mobile phone and other device use
It’s fine to use phones and other devices in school. Please ask a member of staff first before taking photographs/ videos of staff or students.