16 to 19 Tuition Fund and other statutory notices

This page provides information we are obliged to publish on our website linked to funding or statutory requirements

16 to 19 Tuition Fund

We were granted £968 by the government in 2020/2021 to help students whose education suffered during the 2020 Covid-19. This will help us to provide small group tuition in line with the guidance published here for our students in mathematics, and other courses where their learning has been disrupted. The tuition was provided by our staff as one-one lessons during the afternoon extra curricular time slot or the lunch break in our timetable and was focused on students who were identified during lessons and assessments as underperforming due to a lack of well established prior knowledge. During The Jan 2021 to March 2021 lockdown period the sessions ran online as 1-1 and small group “Supervisions”

We were granted £4709 in the 2021/2022 allocation. This money is being used

All students’ learning was impacted by the January 2021 to March 2021 lockdown period. During this time we operated small group sessions every week across all 4 A-Level Courses in addition to the usual full timetable of lessons. The students found this so effective during remote learning that we continued the small group “Supervisions” after students returned to face to face learning in March. Additional funding for 2021/2022 has enabled us to continue the weekly supervisions for all students in the 2021/2022 Academic Year. Student feedback continues to be very positive.

We were granted £2824 in 2022/2023.  This money is used to support the continuation of half hourly weekly “supervisions” in each subject.  Each student receives 3 weekly small group sessions with a qualified teacher to provide expert support in maths, physics and computer science.  This enables us to address any gaps in knowledge and help students to recover from any loss of learning during the covid lockdowns.  The cost to run these supervisions is in excess of £420 per week, so the 16 to 19 tuition allocation has to be supplemented by other school funds to sustain this mode of delivery.

In March 2023 we were granted an additional 12.5% on top of the £2824 bringing our total allocation to £3177.  This money will go towards the cost of the weekly small group supervisions put in place during the pandemic, the total cost of which is well in excess of £3177 per year.

Provider Access

We are very keen for education and training providers to meet with our students to help them to discover career, education and training opportunities particularly where these are related to Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.  Please contact us via our Contact Us page or phone us on 0151 6400397 to discuss arrangements.